Máis experiencias

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Gabriela Vázquez Francisco, é outra das nosas alumnas que están a vivir a experiencia de Erasmus+. Ela está a realizar as súas prácticas en Oporto e contounos un pouquiño da súa experiencia.

Gabriela Vázquez Francisco is another of our students who are living the Erasmus+ experience. She is doing her internship in Oporto and we would like to share her experience with you.

A empresa na que está a realizar as prácticas, gústalle moito e síntese moi cómoda nela. Ao principio, as súas tarefas eran de arquivo pero pouco tempo despois xa se puxo a realizar facturas e a vivir, pouco a pouco, o día a día da empresa.

The company where she is doing her internship, she likes it very much and feels very comfortable there. At the beginning, the tarear were for filing, but in a short period of time he started to make invoices and to live the day-to-day life of the company.

Os compañeiros e compañeiras da empresa e a súa titora, son moi agradables con ela, existindo un bo ambiente e facendo o traballo máis doado.

The colleagues of the company and the manager are very nice to her, there is a good atmosphere and the work is very well done.

No tocante ao idioma, explícanos que moitas veces xa pensa e fala nel.

As far as language is concerned, she says that she often thinks about it without realising it.

Está convencida que esta experiencia vai a ser inolvidable, ao principio sentiu un pouco de agobio, non é doado atoparse nun país novo, con outro idioma, pero unha vez pasados os primeiros momentos todo foi ben.

She is convinced that this experience is going to be unforgettable, at the beginning she felt a bit overwhelmed, it is not easy to find yourself in a new country, with another language, but once the first moments were over everything went well.

Con está experiencia aprendes a desenvolverte na vida, xa sexa aprender a coller un metro ou enriquecéndote dunha nova cultura que te axudará a ampliar a túa mente. Tamén resulta interesante reseñar, que as aprendizaxe a nivel práctico que está vivir na empresa, na aula parecíanlle máis complicado pero a hora de levar a cabo as tarefas resultalle máis doado.

With this experience you learn to develop yourself in life, whether it is learning how to hang an underground or enriching yourself with a new culture that will help you to broaden your mind. It is also interesting to note that learning at a practical level in the company seemed more complicated in the classroom, but when it came to carrying out the tasks, it was easier.

Gabriela, recoméndanos a todas e todos vivir a experiencia, anímanos a que teñamos paciencia e que non desistamos se as cousas ao principio non nos saen como tiñamos pensado, todo cambio é comolicado pero ese cambio, vai vir acompañdo de moitas experiencias enriquecedoras, momentos únicos e anecdotas que recordar o resto das nosas vidas.

Gabriela, I recommend everyone to live the experience, encourage us to be patient and not to give up if things don’t work out the way we thought they would at first. Every change is complicated, but that change is accompanied by many enriching experiences, unique moments and anecdotes to remember for the rest of our lives.

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