A experiencia de Esther en Azores!

Ola compañeiros e compañeiras!!!

Chámome Esther e estiven facendo as prácticas do ciclo APSD en Azores.

Sí, lestes ben, en Azores, a dúas horas mais ou menos da península e moitos, moitos kilómetros mar adentro.

As miñas prácticas son nunha institución modesta, AURORA SOCIAL, con medios non moi sobrados pero cun persoal envorcado, entusiasta, entregado e sempre (aínda que pareza raro), sempre de bo humor, o que produce nun clima entre o alumno e os profesores moi relaxado.

O meu horario é de 9:00 a 17:00h, aí van chegando os alumnos e alumnas, adultos de idades diversas, mentres o persoal do centro tomamos un café, vemos algo do día anterior e ás 10:00h algún grupo ten unha actividade fóra do centro como a ximnasia, o ioga ou futsal que é fútbol sala…Os que quedan realizan actividades de alfabetización.

Outros días hai unha saída cultural a outra freguesia (pobo) cercana, por exemplo, o outro día fomos ao centro de interpretación de volcáns.

Persoalmente, recomendo facer as prácticas fóra, non só polo que poidas aprender na túa institución, senón polo que podes chegar a coñecerte, todo é un reto, o idioma, a búsqueda de aloxamento, xestionar o diñeiro, e todo te vai a valer para a túa propia educación social.

Dende aquí, quero agradecer aos meus compañeiros e compañeiras de traballo: Andrea, Jaime, Daniela, Marlene e Lurdes.

Vos ánimo, a que o pensedes e valoredes, que é todo un reto.

Por certo, aquí, ata o de agora estamos entre 19 e 22ºC… aínda que chove, pero manga curta en novembro.



Esther´s experience!!!

Hello everyone!!!

My name is Esther and i was doing my Erasmus+ in azores.

yes, you are well, in the Azores, two hours or so from the mainland and many, many kilometres out to sea.

My internships are in a modest institution, AURORA SOCIAL, with resources that are not very plentiful but with enthusiastic, dedicated and always (although it seems strange), always in a good mood, which produces a very relaxed atmosphere between the student and the teachers.

My timetable is from 9:00 to 17:00, where students arrive, adults of different ages, while the staff of the centre have a coffee, we watch something from the previous day and at 10:00 some groups have an activity outside the centre such as gymnastics, ioga or futsal which is indoor football… Those who are left have literacy activities.

Other days there is a cultural outing to another nearby village, for example, the other day we went to the volcanoes interpretation centre.

Personally, I recommend doing your internship abroad, not only because of what you can learn in your institution, but also because you can get to know yourself, everything is a challenge, the language, finding accommodation, managing the money, and everything will be worthwhile for your own social education.

From here, I would like to thank my work colleagues: Andrea, Jaime, Daniela, Marlene and Lurdes.

I encourage you to think about it and evaluate it as it is a challenge.

By the way, here, until now we are between 19 and 22ºC… although it is still cold, but it is short sleeve in November.



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